Section 4.5: Subsurface Process Modelling

The lithospheric structure of passive continental margins does not only reflect their geodynamic evolution from the rifting stage to oceanic break-up and seafloor spreading, but also controls their present-day thermomechanical configuration, both aspects being critical for the assessment of geological hazard and resource potentials. We investigate the present-day crustal and upper mantle structure of the North East Atlantic (NEA) region which encompasses the conjugate passive margins of Greenland and Norway/Svalbard as well as the North Atlantic Ocean which is aged ≤65 Ma and interacting with the Iceland Plume. Going beyond the mere analysis of seismic profiles across the margins, we develop a lithospheric-scale 3D model of the entire region by integrating various geological and geophysical observations, including the gravity field. The derived 3D geological model allows us to causatively relate regionally traceable tectonic structures to the geodynamic evolution of the NEA and, by means of numerical simulations, investigate the thermomechanical behavior of first-order crustal and mantle lithospheric heterogeneities under evolving (e.g., climate controlled) stress conditions.

3-D-Deutschland (3-D-D) is a project devoted to the construction and development of a 3-D lithospheric-scale model covering the area of Germany that images the regional characteristics of the structural, thermal and rheological configuration.

The Sea of Marmara and its basins mainly evolved due to the activities of the Thrace-Eskisehir Fault Zone (TEFZ) in the Neogene and the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) in the Quaternary. At present-day, the Sea of Marmara is still evolving due to the NAFZ and the Marmara region is an earthquake hazard zone while hosting around 20 million of inhabitants. For a better understanding of the tectonic processes and geodynamic evolution, it is important to assess the geological structure and the thermomechanical state of this region, considering variations in rheology and strength of the lithosphere in the Marmara region.

In this project, our objective is to quantify how climate-driven forces (i.e. precipitation and temperature), basin-scale geology, and topographic gradient interact to modify the regional groundwater flow and the subsurface thermal field. To achieve this, we look at the North German Basin beneath Brandenburg (NE Germany), which serves as an example of a porous aquifer system with a shallow-lying water table under a humid continental climate.

In times of rising energy prices geothermal heat provision becomes an increasingly attractive alternative. Therefore knowing the subsurface temperatures, the general hydrothermal regime and consequences of producing geothermal energy are prerequisites before implementing expensive production infrastructures.

IGMAS+ (Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System) is a software for 3-D numerical modelling, visualization and interdisciplinary interpretation of potential fields and their applications. It is maintained at GFZ Potsdam since 2019 and provided via an open use license to the worldwide user community.

[Translate to English:] We developed a hybrid model combining elements from statistics following a Gutenberg-Richter frequency magnitude scaling for fracture size and reservoir physics via Coulomb frictional stress variations to provide a better estimate of the induced seismic hazard from reservoir operations. Our model is a generalization of previous approaches and provide estimates that...

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